
Published on:

30 May 2017



Joining the Elite: TechPath Goes Platinum with Dell EMC

When technology leaders Dell and EMC came together, a global technology powerhouse was born. In fact, 98% of Fortune 500 companies have Dell EMC products in their IT environment, and chances are, so do you.

Not surprisingly, it makes a lot of sense for TechPath to devote time and energy to offering the best possible Dell EMC expertise. As a result, we are proud to say we have become one of a very small number of Australian solutions providers to achieve Dell EMC Platinum Partner status – and one of just two in Queensland.

Earning Platinum level meant an investment in training, to ensure we have a number of certified engineers experienced with Dell EMC products. The certifications cover key Dell EMC offerings such as storage, networking, and servers.

Aside from the benefit to our customers of having access to our own specialists, the process means we have secured relationships with some of Dell EMC’s most knowledgeable technology experts worldwide.

Sometimes, no matter how carefully you assess the specifications of a new project, things don’t go to plan, so it pays to check that the solution will work in your real-world environment before you commit budget.

We have worked with IT managers who have carefully prepared for projects costing hundreds of thousands, only to find that something wasn’t quite right – in fact, in one case, we were able to assist with an alternative for more than $150,000 cost reduction. Imagine what a high school, or business, could do with that huge saving.

‘From the edge to the core to the cloud’

It would be an understatement to say that Dell EMC has a broad product range. As they say on their website, they cover ‘from the edge to the core to the cloud.’ As the dust settles, and newly combined product roadmaps are finalised, TechPath can help customers to navigate the new landscape. During this era, the relationships we have built within Dell EMC will pay off. Access to inside knowledge will help to make the best technology decisions for the future.

Need to know more about Dell EMC technologies, contact the TechPath team.